Thursday, 25 September 2008

Random thoughts

As you would have noticed by now I'm blogging so much less often than before. Since I took up the free-lance writing job last month all my time for writing went for my boss. *sob sob. Could hear my blog crying in protest. But what can I do? I don't have unlimited time. But I'll try as far as I can to not let this space fall into dead silence for more than a month.

I had joined the Macquarie Uni Global Leadership Programme,at the spur of the moment together with my three other housemates. As a result, we are required to attend 10, yes 10, colloquium (or workshops I would say), each lasts 3 hours! Simple math tells you that the total is 30 hours! There you go, you just saw one more reason that stops me from writing too often here. I've registered for 3 this semester and that means a good 9 hours would be spent in the boring, poorly-ventilated W5C 335 (yea, it was poorly-ventilated yesterday during the first half). We sendiri cari pasal (We asked for it), you may think. Oh well, guess we're all just being kiasu. LOL

Chatted with my younger sister that day on MSN. Can you believe that it's only September and she has already finished with her UPSR exam and is lazying around at home, and she even picked up on MSN at the age of 12! God knows how old I was when I first used ICQ chatroom and subsequently MSN. See how technology-savvyGeneration Z is as compared to Generation Y. Well, officially me and my brother are Generation Y while my sis is Generation Z, according to official definition I read from Sydney Morning Herald sometime ago.

My sis was telling me her tuition teacher is recently diagnosed with a tumour in her uterus. I was like, Oh my God this is so scarry. We all know how common cancer is in today's over-pampered world. We eat all sorts of rubbish food and as a result our health deteriorates. I know that teacher is quite a nice person from my bro and sis who are taught by her. Fingers crossed, I hope she stays strong and put through the hardship and emerged as a survivor at the end.

A gentle reminder is struct. Life is so uncertain that you wouldn't know what's gonna happen next. I can still vividly remember the incidence last year where Nian Ning, one fellow JPA scholar, passed away in an accident. I remember how my housemates told me about the friendship they had with her and how sad they felt after her passing. Always count yourself lucky for being still alive and cherish every single day that you have,no matter the hurdles you're facing in life you are still luckier than alot more people in this world.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Sorry for the long silence

I know, I know, this space hasn't been updated for some time already. Blame who? ECON201, STAT271, ACST255.

Yes, blame the units I'm taking in this semester. So much to catch up every week, one tute exercise after another to keep me busy, assignments now and then to worry about, and not to forget a test next week for ECON201.

Plus, more worries about internship applications. Frankly speaking I'm in a huge dilemma. For two possible outcomes (STAT271 stuff rubs on me rather often, blame it not me):Getting the offer and not getting the offer. This is a obviously a Bernoulli (p) distributed random variable. You can go on and test the hypothesis etc but I shall stop here before readers start switching to some other web page in protest.

Yes, so where was I....Oh yea, if I get an offer, I would need to worry about HOW ON EARTH AM I GONNA WORK IN KL?? ie. accommodation, transport to and fro work. If I don't get an offer, I would feel very kiasu because some of my friends will get it (based on the law of large number, the probability of at least 1 friend of mine get the offer converges to one). *Argh, not stats stuff again...

So what could I do? Nothing, just wait and see. Before the internship application outcome is out, lets take a deep breathe-in and forget about it (temporarily).