Saturday, 11 July 2009

吃飽沒事做時看的:偉大的JF 原來有做這種Research。。。。。。


Completion Rates of International Students Entering the Actuarial Program
Jim Farmer

“Students successfully completing the New South Wales (NSW) Higher School Certificate (HSC) are awarded a Universities Admission Index (UAI). The UAI is a number from 0 to 100 which ranks the student’s performance relative to all students in their year 10 cohort. Since not all year 10 students complete high school studies to the year 12 level, and those who don’t tend to be the less able students, the average UAI awarded is well above 50.”

哦。。。原來UAI是這麽一回事啊!Australians 怎麽那麽有創意會想到拿Year12來和Year10比?這種ranking方式我還是第一次聽到,不過也是有道理啦。

“To gain entry to an undergraduate degree program at Macquarie University a student must attain a UAI – or interstate equivalent – not less than the relevant “UAI cut-off” for that degree. Many degrees have two different UAI cut-offs: one for domestic (Australian) students who are predominantly funded by the government and a usually lower cut-off for international (non-Australian) students who are charged tuition fees.”

簡單來説所有的澳洲大學很寬待international students因爲他們繳付的學費比local students高非常非常多!現實一點吧,世界上有幾個人會和$鬥氣?人家也是要吃飯的。

“There has been discussion as to whether having a lower UAI cut-off for international students than for domestic students is appropriate. Some arguments on this issue assume that the international students who only satisfy the lower international student UAI cut-off are less likely to satisfactorily complete their degree than are the international students who also satisfy the higher domestic student cut-off. ”


總之result 就是有UAI 的international students,無論是達到domestic students cut-off (大約97分)抑或只是達到比較低的international students cut-off (大約93分),成功順利念完精算係的只有40-46%。

我怎麽覺得我這一年的international students 好像都很強叻?

這個research用的data 是1999-2001系列,可能當時學生也沒有現在多吧。

也有可能international students一年比一年聰明LOL.

Report中有提到的一點就是local Australians通常只有考或UAI 99以上才會報讀精算,而international students (可以先入爲主地當作都是亞洲人吧?)拿到96,97就已經一窩蜂地喊“我要念精算!!!” ----〉其實很對,亞洲人想賺大$的比較多吧!


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