Friday, 14 September 2007

Last day of first term!!!

I hope the change of template has made my blog look less dead

Today is the last day of term 1 of my second semester. To look at it in a better way, it's the start of our two-week holiday.

I'm going Camberra in about a week time. It's gonna be enjoyable and I'll get to meet some of my old Taylor's college friends. Really look forward to that.

However, thanks to all the assignments, a significant part of my hols will be spent on uni work. Sigh.... (like as usual)

Today's actually the birthday of Macquarie Uni (they call it "Conception Day"). Too bad I forgot to get myself a ticket yesterday so I don't get to enter their party. Doesn't matter anyway I don't think I'll enjoy all the noices and parties and unlimited beers.

Me like peace and silence and the friendly chat I had with two fellow actuarial students just now. It's always nice to get to know people.

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