So, holiday's been about movies and internet, and a 6-day trip to Melbourne this coming Tuesday. I am eager to see Justina there, coz I'm wondering how this future doctor from my school is coping with her work and the prospect of getting free medical consultation in future, HAHA. I just called her today to waste some of my redundant phone credits, she seemed to be very excited to hear from me. This just proves how long we heven't been keeping in touch. Anyway we are gonna meet next week, something to look forward to in the midst of enormous boredom when I have no assignments to hand in and no studies to keep up.
Sigh....during semester I was looking forward to this winter break, and now I'm missing my busy days when commitments fill my day and ward off the boredom. Next semester will be busy and I need to give myself a good rest before starting a new chapter.
You might be wondering how I spend my time nowadays. Well, I go from shop to shop to ask for job vacancy.... buy groceries and , borrow and watch movies.... and try some new cookings. I hereby present my most recent cullinary invention: FU YONG SIU PAU!!!!!
How does it taste???
No exaggeration here, but I am so proud of myself!
My Germany housemate is leaving. Very soon we would have a new housemate and I hope she wouldn't be a Malaysian (if this is the case, it would mean a 100% Malaysian house which is no doubt boring and unexciting). Oh yeah, the new swimming pool is opened and me as a gym member can now go burn fat everyday (if I want to). Yea!!!
I hope McDonald's will take me in for the job. I badly need one to move on. In Australia, experience is an advantage in job application and I wouldn't be able to fight for one if I don't start to gain experience by getting my first job.
Wow, this is such a long post. After coming back from Melbourne I would have more photos to show. My fren Ho Sheng keeps saying that my blog is full of words. All words and no pictures makes a blog dull, he said. Okay, I don't fully agree with this but I shall try to add more colours to the paragraphs I wrote. However I can't do this with no pictures in my hand (well, no new pictures because everything I have has been posted before).
Till next time.
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