Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Life's getting hectic......

I have ACST test tomorrow and I'm online today?? I should be studying really hard shouldn't I? Yes I should, but just to take a break from all the stuff I am cramming into my head, I post a new blog here....

Well, the actuarial degree is tough, so said by many of my seniors. We have tests, assignments, presentation, quizes quite often, and the funny thing is that no one has officially grumbled about it, yet.

I got to read lecture notes after a lecture, to avoid feeling absolutely lost in the next lecture. And, oh yea, I sign up for gym and am currently an avid gym-goer. I seemed to have got addicted to running on the treadmill....can't stand without doing it for a day, I would feel so sorry for myself. You might call a a freak for this.

Sometimes I just sort of wondering what the future lies for me. No one could tell what's gonna happen tomorrow, next month, next year etc. It's kind of hard to predict even what's gonna happen tomorrow, or even the next minute. There had been several occasion in which I felt rather lost and confused. i was once unable to take out my earrings (sigh...I'm an amateur) , and was once feeling terribly scared coz I left my mobile phone in the Macquarie Recreation Centre. Hope I would be more careful ever since.

Some of my lecturers have rather inflated ego. I had once hurted a lecturer of mine in SAM unintentionally and that led to serious consequences (although later on she forgave me coz i was quite a good student in class and had apologised and vowed never to do it again). I am very careful with my words here. For example my econ lecturer doesn't want anyone to pick on mistakes in his lecture slides (unless he picks it up himself) !!!! OMG, such ego.

That's all for this time.



Anonymous said...

haha...ur blog looks so formal...mine is like crap...zzz...

Xin Yin said...

my blog's formal???? oh...i dont dare to take that complement

Anonymous said...

well, you won't see that kind of CASE. In Stanford university...

*if lecturer did mistake.... next year.. you might dun see them anywhere around stanford..