Tuesday, 4 December 2007


It's only the second week of my long summer holiday yet I feel as if I've been enjoying life very much for some time. That shows how torturous my second semester was and the freedom we get after the last paper is just inexplicably delightful. Just finished watching the 2007 version of drama series 梁山伯与祝英台 and honestly I can say that it's the best drama series I've known thus far - not merely because of the melodrama demonstrated by this Chinese classic ( in fact, I know the rough storyline before watching yet it manages to persuade me to go one episode after episode) but also the warmth, courage portrayed between siblings, between parents and son/daughter. Dong jie is very well-suited for the role of Zhu Ying Tai and Ma Wen Cai (Chen Guan Ling) is very handsome. Haha, that's how girls are mesmerized, basically.

Currently tutoring a student twice a week and still looking for a second job. The thing about Marsfield is that there's always excess labour during semester holiday. As an analogy, if there's 100 people in the workforce, there are at least 300 people queuing up to wait for the 100 to leave their position. Get it? See how hard is it to earn money despite the high wages offered. Sigh.....

Most of my friends minus me, Chean Yeaw and Weng Soon, had left Sydney for home. For me it's because I haven't been really enjoying life in Sydney during semester so it would really pay for me to stay here during December just to experience the atmosphere during Chrismas and Happy New Year. Heard from Harvin that the celebration will be gregarious and the last thing I should do is to miss it, lol.

Chatted with my brother Wen Li last night at 12 something midnight. Heard from him that Taiping is starting to develop with the likes of TESCO, GIANT opening. WOOHOO!! That means the duopoly FAJAR and THE STORE will face more competition and the prices of goods will be falling like no one's business. The timing will be perfect for me to go back in January to shop, haha.

This post is starting to get too long. I'll just stop here for this time.

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