Monday, 30 June 2008
My gosh, this song !!!
I'm the type of fussy listener who is only likely to like a song if it manages to appeal to more than 90% of chinese pop song listeners. But immediately after the first listening I could literally remember most of the melody, and some of the lyric as well.
我愛誰 跨不過 從來也不覺得錯
I could not get over whom I love, and had never felt that it was wrong
自以為 抓著痛 總能修成愛的果
I thought enduring pain could eventually make our love work
偏執相信著 受詛咒的水晶球
I believed obsessively in the cursed crystal ball
and stopped everything that may touch my heart
而你卻 靠近了 逼我們視線交錯
but you approached myself, forcing our sights to cross
原地不動 或向前走 突然在意這分鐘
shall I stay put, or move forward? At that moment I realised how much I care
about the long waiting that was marred by the sand in front of my eyes
and the withering call for help that travelled beside my ears
urging me to love you unconditionally
我身騎白馬 走三關
I rided on a white horse, and crossed three borders
我改換素衣 過中原
I changed to my plain attire, and passed the mainland,
relinquishing all my power in xi liang, and no one cared
what I cared the most was you, my wife
薛平貴,年輕的時候去當兵打仗,後來變成大將軍,可是在和西涼國打仗的時候被抓了。本來是要被殺死的,但是西涼國的公主很喜歡他,要嫁給他,所以薛平貴就變成「駙馬爺」了,後來還掌理西涼國。可是他心繫中原的家庭,想著中原的太太. 於是他從西涼,穿著素衣,身騎白馬,過三關,回到中原,尋訪苦守寒窯十八年的王寶釧。
The context of this song:
Xue Ping Gui joined the army since he was young. He gradually moved up the rank to become a general. However, he was caught as a war prisoner when fighting against Xi Liang. He was meant to be executed but the pricess of Xi Liang fell in love with him and wanted to marry him. He married the princess and eventually took control of the kingdom. Despite his wealth and power, he missed his family and wife back in the mainland. Thus, he travelled on a white horse in plain attires, crossed three borders, from Xi Liang to the mainland, to look for his wife who had waited 18 years for his return.
P/s: I hope my translation and story-telling didn't ruined the meaning of this song.
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Say goodbye to the era of cheap flight ticket
Finally I'm feeling the crunch. And yes it is definitely not a good feeling that you would want to constantly remind yourself of.
Yet I have no choice. Our favourite aviation company, Jetstar, has cancelled the Sydney-Kuala Lumpur flight starting this coming September. This means we Sydney people have just lost our cheap option to fly back home end of this year. Everyone who flied on Jetstar last year could tell how lucky we were as compared to our fellow JPA people in other cities. No transit is required. We just need to hop on the plane and 7 hours later we are home in Malaysia.
Considering I had experienced the atmosphere during the peak tourism season (Christmas, Boxing Day, and New Year) last year I see no reason to go back late like I did last year. So, being a very calculative consumer I looked up the prices of flight ticket of various airlines, and was ASTONISHED to discover that tickets for MAS or SIA could easily cost a fortune (that is, somewhere close to AUD2000). Argh....this is so beyond my acceptable range.
Where to go from here? Few options (though more expensive than the direct Jetstar flight) are still opened.
-Sydney - Singapore - KL
-Sydney - Perth - KL
-Sydney - Brisbane - KL
Whichever way I choose I can't get away from flight transit, which is uber tiring.
Saturday, 28 June 2008
有位高手可以日夜颠倒,早上冬眠,晚上才起来展翅高飞。自从考试完毕后我见到他的次数可以用一只手算完。我本来就觉得很奇怪,到底一个人怎么承受得了天天闭关修炼的闷气。后来经过另一个housemate 的开导,才知道爱情的伟大,电脑游戏的诱惑,真的是可以把一个人变成神。只恨我离天人的境界还很远,每天晚上十二点钟眼睛就已经是要关上了,一倒下整个人就睡得不省人事。
如果你认为我家只有一位神你就实实在在太看不起他们了。我家里的两位drama king可厉害了!一天内可以看十多集的连续剧,看到废寝忘食。我去年觉得自己一天内看六七集就已达到最高境界了,现在想来实在惭愧,我太天真了。所谓人外有人,天外有天,这两位drama king 实在把我的ego 杀得片甲不留,让我甘拜下风。
但就像武侠小说里,厉害的高手也是有分十八方武艺的。这两位drama king 就是specialise 在不一样的领域了。第一位很神,能够在晚上八九点当大家都很活泼时上床睡觉,然后在凌晨五点全部人都睡得像死猪的时候爬起来练drama series 武功。大概这种功夫是要在夜深人静时才会练出火花吧!第二位就正好是第一位的克星,能够练功到凌晨三四点眼睛还不会掉出来,很令人折服的是他可以睡两三个小时后早餐时跟我这个睡了八小时的人若无其事地说话。
附注:请原谅我的无聊,因为实实在在太闷了(都是开玩笑的别生气)。学期时期待假期的闲空,假期时想要有学期时的充实生活; 喜欢读书但又讨厌考试, 希望自己有钱但做工时又向往那种没工作时的轻松自在。我到底要什么?哎。。。如果人那么容易满足天下就太平了,偏偏人就是那么的欠揍。
Friday, 27 June 2008
It's been long since I last went to a cinema - The movie '21'

Went to watch this at macquarie centre cinema two days ago at night. It was a COLD COLD COLD night, I was shivering at all times when we were outdoor. Damnation. Also blame the fact that I only had a roll from KFC for dinner (of course I ate something when I reached home) before entering the theatre.
But, it was an awesome movie. Well, at least for us nerdy actuarial students. All of us were smiling when one scene showed Ben Campbell, the main character who was a smart ass, correctly answered the famous 'Monty Hall Problem' seemingly without any difficulty in comparison to what it was like for us when we encountered it in ACST211 last year. And for those who don't know what the Monty Hall Problem is:
Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?
Most people would think that it doesn't matter whether the door is switched as both are equally likely to contain the car.
The solution:
Don't switch: The probability of your door being the one with the car remains at 1/3
If your door IS the one with the car, you lose. This probability is 1/3.
If your door IS NOT the one with the car, the host will open the other one without a car, you will subsequently switch to the remaining one which contains the car. This probability is 2/3 as there is 2 in 3 chance at the outset of you not choosing the correct door.
So by switching, you increase your chance of winning from 1/3 to 2/3. Amazing isn't it? This is counter intuitive for most people.
So this is the nerdy part about the movie which I think not many people in the theatre could understand. Anyway this smart ass impressed his fat round evil-faced professor Micky Rosa (oh I hate him!) Micky then persuaded him to join his Las Vegas blackjack team. The team spread out in playing small amount of money to count cards, and when it is statistically profitable they would signal the big player (Ben) to join the table and throw in big money. This part is certainly an exaggeration in the show. With card-counting one is expected to win money in the long-run but certainly not in every game as portrayed in the movie. Anyway I thought the sound effects when the game is played is quite thrilling.
'21' also serves as a gentle reminder to us about how money can be such a huge temptation for criminal activities. Easy but possibly illegal money could make "nothing seems to cost too much", and certainly make spending so much more delightful. I guess corporate crime in real life such as the all-so-common misappropriation of company funds, corruption all stem from the plain joy of spending big with money that comes without hard work. Not many could resist the glamour of being able to afford designer bags and clothing, expensive food at 5 star restaurants etc without having to earn those big bucks the legitimate way.
I will not be a spoiler by revealing all the interesting twist and turn of the storyline here. What's worth mentioning is the last part of the movie where Ben Campbell told his interviewer that throughout his life "he's been to Vegas 17 times, won a fortune two times, and it was stolen both times".
In order to make our money last, we have to work honestly for it. What comes easily goes easily.
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
这是个相当难懂的道理。“当下”指的就是现在。人要快乐,就应该把握现在,做自己想做的事,而不是懊悔着过去,期望着未来。人生是无常的,未来是否会来到很难说,而过去已无法挽回,为什么不接受它,让它过去呢? 这样个说法也不是每个人都能接受的,很多人认为不展望未来既是不思进取,满足于现况,无疑是消极的态度。
这句话更不得了。我有个朋友反应很快地说,现在这种弱肉强食的时代,太过善良反而会遭人欺。也不是没道理阿,在马来西亚就有很多这样的例子。下雨天开车时如果见到路边有个人向你招手你会停下来吗?很多人会忙摇头说不,万一是强盗怎么办? 针对这点我也不否认,其实宗教和很多别的东西一样不是绝对的。释迦摩尼佛说这句话时是在二千五百年前比较单纯的社会,在现在这种世风败坏的年代当然我们应该见机行事嘛!随着时代的变化宗教不应一成不变。
对我来说正派宗教推崇的都是良好的价值观,所以我并不会到处说佛教比其他宗教好(不像一些人到处毁谤别人的宗教信仰)。个人觉得只要是带有理智地去信它 (不是迷它),不走极端路线,任何宗教都会改善人心,带动人格上的升华。
Monday, 23 June 2008
Free food, Volunteering dream
After our sausages session we went to Unit 111 to continue chilling out. The three (crazy) girls, quanyie, chia ling and selina, went to Paramatta for shopping therapy and they bought what seemed to me like dozens of accessories for $2 each. That was really CHEAP :0). And they wanted to turn me into one of the bimbo gang next time when they go DFO. Yea thinking of it, I should learn to like shopping the way they do. Sometimes I'm just too lazy to walk from shop to shop comparing prices and screaming on top of my lungs over seemingly good deals. Shall do more of that soon. Of course, that would only be possible if I have enough money to spend on material wants. I'm thinking of going Adelaide to visit my cousins end of this year and that would mean MONEY MONEY MONEY, as usual.
For some weird reason Yeam, fellow Taiping folk studying in ANU, demanded a video for his birthday. The three shopaholics were busy parading with their newly-acquired treasures and eventually as they had settled with what to wear we took that (funny) video (*shake head).
After that we did rubbish talking and at one point we were discussing about "the possibility of going on exchange or on a volunteer programme". Quanyie said exchange will cost at least 4 or 5K (this is definitely beyond my means) while volunteering would cost something like 2 or 3 K due to the recently soaring petrol price. Personally I think those are fabulous experience that a uni student studying overseas should not miss. But then, money is really a problem. How could we afford these money without working like crazy and forgoing time for our studies? No way.
I so wish that I were rich.
Saturday, 21 June 2008
事发正好是week 12 还是week 13, 学业是忙得不得了,没有多少时间去跟踪地震的新闻,也没有真正地体会到这次的地震破坏性有多大。后来看了youtube 还有一些大陆网站的报道,图片,才知道原来这次死的人真的有好多好多。很多年纪小小,根本还没真正体会到人生乐趣的小孩就在上课一半时被倒塌的瓦砾压死了。尤其在“一孩政策”下中国家庭通常都只有一个孩子,很多家长带着泪水焦急地在破瓦堆里找着孩子的画面真的让我看了都觉得痛心。家长痛失孩子,受的是白头人送黑头人的伤痛; 失去双亲的小孩必须单独面对茫茫人海,从被疼爱一夜间变得举目无亲,这其中的苦楚只有当事人才能真正了解。
youtube 有人上传了台湾中视的救灾节目“把爱传出去”,主持人还有演艺圈里传媒界里政治界里的人都很积极地参与救灾募款,说到很多令人心酸的故事。印象比较深刻的一个 -
看到这种报道,我们活着的人难道不应觉得自己能够呼吸其实就是一种福气吗?没有地震,没有灾难的马来西亚,是个多么好的地方啊! (我个人觉得其实除去政治上的因素,犯罪案的频密,马来西亚是得天独厚。)
Yes we SANG our lungs out. For three full hours. In the beginning it was frustrating as the microphones weren't set properly and thus gave out loud squeeking noices when we sang. Irritating. But we did manage to get the problem resolved. Nothing could stop our enthusiasm to scream and yell and do all sorts of funny noices in that room. All of us went for Taiwanese songs, namely those of 周杰伦,周华健 and some of the others. Such is the influence of the Taiwanese entertainment sector on us Chinese Malaysians. Sadly enough, none of us know any of the Malay song and none of us even bothered to find out what sort of songs they have in Malay.
And for some reason I had a crave for oldies yesterday. I sang some of the classical tunes that my friends may had never heard of. 一剪梅,恰似你的温柔,你怎么舍得我难过,爱相随,花心,其实不想走etc. Some contemporary songs are well-composed but they just can't seem to satisfy one aspect of music: the ability to withstand the passing of time. Oldies that survive all this while till today are what we could truly say, excellent.
Anyway, that was our karaoke session.
After that, we happily spent our money and ate dinner at one Thai restaurant, after so long eating stir-fried chicken and veggie with rice for dinner at home. I wasn't sure if the quality is what I should call good (I think it probably is ordinary), but it was really satisfying after using up all our energy at the karaoke.
Then we board the bus back and reached home around 11.00pm. I called mummy to chit chat. It was nearly frustrating when I just somehow couldn't get through the line to Malaysia. I did eventually and fortunately the line was clear. It was so good to hear mummy's voice since I hadn't been calling back home for two weeks due to exams. So mummy said Jetstar has cancelled the flight between Sydney and KL, that means I would have no choice but to go back with an expensive air ticket end of this year. Sigh. Anyway I chatted with mummy and papa for more than an hour. Went to bed at almost 1am.
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
From seashells to credit cards, why we have no choice but to be money-minded
Your computer which is staring back at you now wouldn't even exist, the meal that you had just taken wouldn't be there for your, the movie that you had watched few days ago wouldn't be heard of ... (the list goes on), if the evil little notes and coins are not invented in the first place.
It is the ultimate medium of circulation, transaction, exchange,incentives and most importantly - penalty. Money has never ceased to play an important role in every aspect of our life. If it wasn't for money, you weren't be working hard (of course, there are exceptions for people who genuinely love the toil and tumble of their jobs). Most of the time, what people meant by "I love my job" is really just "I love the reward from the job, and to prevent myself from suffering I learn to love the job as well."
Without money, there is little incentive for students to study hard. A sad reality of modern education, but if money didn't exist there wouldn't be so many of us burrying our heads amidst the books in the university library. Some very relevant examples are students doing their courses on money-related field. Actuarial studies, finance, accounting, business etc etc are all rubbish had money not exist. Interest rates, the trade-off between present and future values blablabla are non-sensical in a world without money.
Hence the root of all evil is indeed the basis of everything that human world has.
The whole branch of 'human science' were born about as early as money was invented. Economy grows, trading started, all human race has been prospering since then. Concepts which are intangible, ranging from the basic ideas about cash flows, liquidity, exchange rates to a whole set of macroeconomic jargon e.g. growth, inflation, turnover volume, chain effects, spill-over effects aka rippling effects, are here since then. Where would these things stand if we rid our world off the evil thing called money? Nothing but nonsence.
And then there is this great idea to enable people to spend beyond their means - the hidden inducement to spend on unnecessary things - the credit card system. Money becomes intangible, and is replaced by the action of one swipping his/her card across the machine, and the purchase is done. No sight of income flowing out, nothing but the pleasure of holding the new-owned items.
No one could safely say that he doesn't care about money, unless he is prepared to be isolated permanently from the money-based world and stay in the jungle eating self-planted crops for lifetime. One choice is in our hands, however.
Money: We master it, or let it master us.
On a lighter note:
Girls = Money * Time
Since Time=Money, Girls = Money * Money =
Money is the root of all evil ==> Money * money = evil
Hence, Girls =Evil
Ever wonder why your money keep disappearing?
$1 = 100 cent = 10*10 cent = $0.1*0.1=$0.01=1 cent
Advice from JF: take care of your units
Friday, 6 June 2008
What we're all after, actually?
However this is not what makes me decided to write in this space today. I once thought that I would probably not do any writing at least before the exams. But no, I'm here again.
I saw our amazing lecturer JF (you know who) on my way back from a tiring day of uni plus grocery shopping. All I have to say is that he's the most uber fascinating lecturer in probably the entire Actuarial Department in Macquarie University. I once heard about him being a real professional specialising in Life insurance, and being a fellow IAA he must be rich - at least rich enought to buy a decent car and petrol.
But there I saw this man walking with his hiking bag, one hand carrying a huge umbrella, and the other - you will never guess it I bet - a PILLOW. It wasn't a new pillow brought from mac cen trust me. It looked like it was a used pillow. I was wondering, why does he need to bring a pillow to his office? And why oh why, is he walking to uni everyday given his qualification and consequently, wealth.
So it all boils down to one question: what EXACTLY are we working hard for. I just turned 20 two days ago and it hits me hard that I'm no longer a 'raw teenager'. Reaching 20 means that I'm gradually getting closer and closer to real adulthood.
Is it really money that matters? Going back to JF's example, what makes a well-established actuary willing to walk to uni everyday, speaks and dress like an ordinary folk. Really, I 've been wondering about this since last year when I was first introduced to this unique being in ACST211. Another fellow interesting actuary is Prof. John Pollard. He travelled around the world in minivan with his wife 30 years ago and did it again last year with some sort of " high technology recording the entire journey for the pleasure of his grandchildren". What a life man!
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Massive style change after this
Hence my spur-of-the moment decision to carry out a so called "massive alteration of flavour" in this space. As my exams are approaching you probably would guess that there wouldn't be too many posting before 20th June. But I have decided to take a break from my crazy revision just to post up some phrases that I not only adore but would love to adopt as my life principles.
Don't be angry
Life is just like a drama, it's not easy to get someone whom you can spend a lifetime with
It's destiny that make us together, so shouldn't we cherish it?
In restrospect, we would realise that we often unnecessarily throw tantrums at minor things
Let others be angry but not myself, for if I were to fall sick because of my bad mood there wouldn't be anyone who can compensate me for that
Neither would anyone be happy if I die because of bad temper, not to mention being angry is something that comsumes my energy and soul
Don't always compare yourself with you neighbours, relatives, friends, let go of your children, grandchildren when it is the right time to do so
May we be together for good and bad times; if so, even fairies will envy our closeness as a couple.
I hope my translation isn't too bad.