Saturday, 21 June 2008


Finished with my last paper yesterday morning, and being too happy and excited about my new-found freedom in ages I went out with fellow housemates Victor Chua, Chen Chin and friend Victor Yeoh to the city (for just the second time this year, I think). We had planned for this outing long time ago, and being so deprieved of entertainment during the exam period we decided to go sing karaoke.

Yes we SANG our lungs out. For three full hours. In the beginning it was frustrating as the microphones weren't set properly and thus gave out loud squeeking noices when we sang. Irritating. But we did manage to get the problem resolved. Nothing could stop our enthusiasm to scream and yell and do all sorts of funny noices in that room. All of us went for Taiwanese songs, namely those of 周杰伦,周华健 and some of the others. Such is the influence of the Taiwanese entertainment sector on us Chinese Malaysians. Sadly enough, none of us know any of the Malay song and none of us even bothered to find out what sort of songs they have in Malay.

And for some reason I had a crave for oldies yesterday. I sang some of the classical tunes that my friends may had never heard of. 一剪梅,恰似你的温柔,你怎么舍得我难过,爱相随,花心,其实不想走etc. Some contemporary songs are well-composed but they just can't seem to satisfy one aspect of music: the ability to withstand the passing of time. Oldies that survive all this while till today are what we could truly say, excellent.

Anyway, that was our karaoke session.

After that, we happily spent our money and ate dinner at one Thai restaurant, after so long eating stir-fried chicken and veggie with rice for dinner at home. I wasn't sure if the quality is what I should call good (I think it probably is ordinary), but it was really satisfying after using up all our energy at the karaoke.

Then we board the bus back and reached home around 11.00pm. I called mummy to chit chat. It was nearly frustrating when I just somehow couldn't get through the line to Malaysia. I did eventually and fortunately the line was clear. It was so good to hear mummy's voice since I hadn't been calling back home for two weeks due to exams. So mummy said Jetstar has cancelled the flight between Sydney and KL, that means I would have no choice but to go back with an expensive air ticket end of this year. Sigh. Anyway I chatted with mummy and papa for more than an hour. Went to bed at almost 1am.

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